Sunday, 23 November 2008

This weekend

Finally got in the garden a bit. Yesterday morning was a lovely crisp winter morning. The sun was nice and warm on my face though. Tidied the end of the bed by Joes and the hot bed. Cleared away the summer bedding, put a few tulips in, cut back the perennials and then mulched.

Most of the yellow and red tulips went into pots in the end though. The soil on the side by Joes is just too clay-y to put tulips in.

Cleared up some more leaves.

So just the cottage bed and the lawn to do now. Woke up this morning and there was a light covering of snow - so not really the weather for lawn care. Hopefully I'll get a chance next weekend.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Bonfire night

Bonfire night and we've people coming round to watch the fireworks. Unfortunetly its rather rainy. I want to get out and carry on clearing the garden up and plant the tulips but its wet and miserable and I'm so tired.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Daffs in pots

Planted the last of the daffodils today. Too hard to put them in the ground so they went in pots.
So that is all 20 of the sweetness ones in pots and the last 9 of the feb gold. I also put some crocuses bulb from last year in a hanging basket. This is to try and stop the squirrels from digging them up.

Still got the 200 tulips to go. Will just have to plant them a few at a time over the month.

Cleared up leaves from the back bed and have put in bags to make leaf mould. I guess I need to check on last years leaf mould at some point and put it round some plants. I think it would be best for the ferns. Maybe I'll keep it until spring and use it if I plant some more ferns (actually probably shouldn't plan to do any planting in spring!).

We drove to a garden centre in Enfield this morning. It wasn't as good for plants as the one I went to with mum and dad last year. I'll try a different one each time i go up there. It was massive and had lots of gardening stuff there. Got some manure and bulb compost.

Have now mulched the back bed with two bags of manure. There is a little bit not covered but I'll add the soil from the tomato grow bags at some point.

So the two new beds left to clear, plant bulbs in and mulch....