Sunday 14 September 2008


I've order a few narcissus today:
Sweetness - 14inch march
Feb Gold - 12inch feb
Jenny - 15inch white.

I want the garden to be full of colour in March and so I selected ones that would flower early. I'll get them in the garden by the end of the month.

I ordered 200 assorted bulbs from gardeners world/T&M last week.

So just need to order some tulips now.

And then I will stop!

I'm trying to leave the back bed i planed lots of snowdrops and bluebells there last year, not all of which came up. I'm hoping they do this year so I'll avoid disturbing it to much.

The garden still looks pretty lush and colourful from where I look out of the window at it. Its certainly been getting a lot of rain. The rudbeckia are still the stars of the show with the cosmos a close second.

Somethings up with the toms though. They are all wilting round the bottom. Must investigate.

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