Friday, 9 July 2010


Well its not rained for about 3 weeks. we were away for the first week and the garden felt our absence. We lost all teh strawberries as well as several plants. The slugs ate all the salad. I now realise how brilliant those nemotodes were because we now have loads of slugs in the garden. About 20 hit the bowl of beer last night/this morning. So there are lots of gaps in teh garden but it still looks great from teh lounge window (well if you ignore all the childrens toys!)

Friday, 21 May 2010

The garden today

Lots of rain over the last couple of weeks but lots of sunshine yesterday and today.

Put some nematodes down in the garden last weekend to try anad get rid of the slugs. One of the four new plants i bought in the hot bed has taken (the other 3 eaten) but didn't write down what they were each called. durrrr.

Raised veg bed

This is our bank holiday project which we managed between the rain showers..

Sunday, 2 May 2010

May bank holiday weekend

Well so far this weekend it has mainly rained.

A few flowers have broken out on the clematis but it needs a sunny day.

Lots of jobs to do in the garden have not been done.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

photos from today

After no rain for days, it did rain today and some of the tulips lost their petals.

The "hot" bed

plugged some holes

The garden is working really well as a spring garden but there are going to be a few holes when it gets to summer, especially in the"hot bed". Yesterday I bought some more plants for that bed. I just got 1 of each to see what works and is slug resistant. If any of them do well I'll get some more (or divide!). I got:
Tanacetum Robinsons red
Helenium red
Helenium yellow
Geum mrs j bradshaw
and some geriumns to plant when the tulips are over.
I also moved two of the dogwoods from the back of the "woodland" bed to this bed
And put in a grass.

The cottage bed needs a bit of a tidy up. There are a few penstemom cuttings that I took last year that need planting. There doesn't seem to be any sign of the foxgloves, lupins or ?? other things I planted a couple of years ago. And a couple of the bushes look a bit dead but i don't want to disturb the bed when the tulips and forget me knots look so good.

I also got a few more heuchera for the bed by joes. I need to divide the ones I got but wasn't sure how. the man at the nursery told me to look and see if they have formed new clumps but that I should have done it in early spring. I looked when i got home and most have 3 or 4 clumps so if i get a chance I might try dividing a couple even if it is a little late.

I bought another Cordyline as the one I've got has done so well in 2 years. It was destined for joes bed again but i think I'll put it in the cottage bed to give it a bit of structure.

I cleared up the "woodland" bed at the end and water heavily. Some bark coming in a couple of weeks to mulch that bed and I'll put he leaf mould I've been making over last couple of years down first. I've also got a very big wood pile that needs burning. The compost bins are over flowing but some of that should go in to the new veg bed that we plan to make next weekend. Thats the big project for now.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

The day the planes stopped

Volcanic ash has grounded all planes in the UK for the last couple of days. We've had beautiful sunny skies though and today the weather was lovely. My tulips look amazing. i didn't really get to appreciate them last year as it rained about a day after they came out and the petals fell off. But check out these beauties.

The garden got its first mow yesterday as well.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

its tulip time

we've had a cold few rainy days but the sun is out today and so are the tulips...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Its been even longer....

Well I didn't manage to post much last year (I wonder why?!). Z and I spent a few days in the garden in summer but not as much as I thought. I did a bit of tidying up at the end of the year but not much. It has been a long cold snowey winter. Today was the first day that I've been out in the garden. Its been 11 degrees and sunny today but its been below 5 degrees for most of the year so far. All the bulbs are much further behind this year than last year.

I did lots of tyding up today but not got any photos yet. The snowdrops are out and some crocuses literly came out as I was in the garden. As I was clearning I found lots of shoots though so we should have some colour in a couple of weeks.

The snow caused one casulty - the orange smelling bush at the back by the hot bed. So I'm really going to have to do some work on that bed this year.