Sunday, 14 March 2010

Its been even longer....

Well I didn't manage to post much last year (I wonder why?!). Z and I spent a few days in the garden in summer but not as much as I thought. I did a bit of tidying up at the end of the year but not much. It has been a long cold snowey winter. Today was the first day that I've been out in the garden. Its been 11 degrees and sunny today but its been below 5 degrees for most of the year so far. All the bulbs are much further behind this year than last year.

I did lots of tyding up today but not got any photos yet. The snowdrops are out and some crocuses literly came out as I was in the garden. As I was clearning I found lots of shoots though so we should have some colour in a couple of weeks.

The snow caused one casulty - the orange smelling bush at the back by the hot bed. So I'm really going to have to do some work on that bed this year.

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