Sunday, 13 April 2008

Sun, hail, rain and wind

This weekend the weather has been pretty changeable - sun, hail, wind, rain...

I cleaned the bit of concrete patio outside the shed and moved one of the plants from the bed outside the house up to by the new patio area. I also put some containers and the silver balls I bought last weekend on the patio area. I've seen a lovely big silver wave that would look fab in our fern area at the end of the garden.

The lawn is still not great at all. Some of the stepping stones still get very water logged when you walk on them and have sand spilling round the edges. I was filling in the gaps with grass seed this afternoon - but I got a bit carried away and ended up using the whole packet which is for a 30 meter square garden. I haven't put a net over it any way

Due to be planting up the flower beds next weekend but it's still pretty cold so I guess I'll have to be a bit careful what goes in.

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