Friday, 11 May 2007

We've had rain this week - look how the garden grows!

I'm going to have to work out how to thin the stock seedlings out soon. I put a whole packet in one row as i didn't realise how many seeds there were. I think its about 750! It says thin them out when they are ready - but i don't know when that is. My dad said when they are an inch or two and they have really grown this week.

I really like these pink flowers. They must have been in the bed before i moved here. They've never really come up this much before but i cleared a lot of ivy out of this bed the first year and lots of bind weed last year and earlier this year so hopefully that is why they are growing so well.

The gladioli bulbs are growing as well. I think the ones i put in a line will look a bit silly. My mum has now told me about growing them in clumps. I'll do that next year! The ones near the clementis should look better.

The plants i planted last weekend look OK. They are meant to be a in a sheltered spot and i thought they were. However, as the back fence has been cleared by the park gardener a wind comes wiping across the park and into that back bed so they've been rather blown about this week. I hope they will be OK.

I need to plant more at the back bed. I ordered some seeds about three weeks ago to go there but they still have not arrived. I also need to get the fence mended so I probably should do that before I plant more.

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